BRITT RADIUS has been operating in British Columbia (BC) since 2005. Our office in Fort St. John services clients in NE BC, with team members located throughout the BC interior, and Vancouver Island. We have been fortunate to work with Ovintiv (previously Encana) in NE BC for over 7 years. In that time, we have completed land access, stakeholder engagement, records management, and risk analysis and mitigation. The development projects we are involved with include: large linear pipelines, liquids hubs facilities, multi-well padsites, facilities, rental reviews, water storage and lines, and associated infrastructure.

The Challenge:
NE BC is a complex area for development for numerous reasons including: diverse land use, dense rural populations, seismicity activity, stakeholder and landowner groups, range and tenure holders, Agricultural Land Reserve value in the area, varying capacity and involvement of Indigenous Communities, infrastructure, and user groups. This diversity presents risks to be understood and mitigated, as well as opportunities to be activated.
Our Solutions:
We have a unique and dynamic way of approaching and executing projects that sets us apart called the Fit-For-Purpose Blueprint. This approach allows us to be agile, thorough, and cost-effective while going deep into four core elements critical to the success of any project: Human | Design | Compliance | Technology. For the work in NE BC the application of the Fit-For-Purpose Blueprint is outlined below.
Stakeholder Engagement: We listen and build trusting relationships with the stakeholders in the area through open communication, in person meetings, open houses, and community events.
Client Relationship: We view ourselves as an extension of our clients. We care about their legacy and reputation in the communities in which they operate. We know our client’s vision, goals and project requirements, and is a vital part of our client onboarding, project kick-offs and ongoing project management. We seek feedback for areas of improvement and how to make Ovintiv’s life easier.
Relationships with Governing bodies: Our team members are well versed and focused on regulatory compliance in BC and the BC Oil and Gas Commission’s (OGC) Application Management System (AMS). We participate in early engagement meetings with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI), the BC OGC, Municipal Districts and Federal Regulator/Government.
Landowner Notification, Consultation & Negotiation: We have established and built relationships with landowners in NE BC over the past 7 years. We complete full cycle land access services acquiring survey acknowledgements with landowners and occupants, mailouts to stakeholders, on-going engagement with landowners, and fair and respectable negotiations and acquisition of agreements.
Talent Resourcing: We provide specialized talent to our clients on long term, short term, or as-needed basis. Our team is comprised of members with a variety of backgrounds, skills and expertise. This diversity enhances our execution of projects and ability to apply lessons learned and opportunities gained from other projects.
Each project has a project plan that includes milestones and tasks with a clear scope and delivery time frame.
When working with us our clients have access to the entire BRITT RADIUS team, comprised of experts in land access, engagement, compliance, records management, environment, risk identification and management, and project management. Our integrated service solutions ensure our clients are better served with us than anyone else. We believe successful projects require more than a transactional approach.
All our team members complete our in-house Cultural Awareness training course. Our land agents are trained in engagement by our Engagement Manager, and project specific training is completed if a complex acquisition or representation at an open house is needed. If a potential environmental risk is identified, we engage our Environment & Risk Manager and team to provide options and potential solutions to our clients. We do not operate in silos.
Regulatory requirements are not always simple, our integrated regulatory and compliance team knows and understands the regulations, and more importantly, they know how to navigate them. Simply put they love research, regulations and leaving no stone unturned. Our teams interchange experience, expertise and knowledge to drive regulatory compliance forward.
We approach all projects, large or small, with a strategic lens and follow best practice project management processes. At a project level, our quality assurance guarantees projects are subject to thorough measures and processes that uniquely align with timelines, scope, budget, regulatory, and client requirements. We have comprehensive process documents for each stage of a project.
At the initiation of a project, we execute a desktop assessment which drives the execution plan for the project considering the identified risks and opportunities. From there a risk register is created and used throughout project planning and execution.
BRITT RADIUS maintains a Certificate of Recognition (COR), and has an in-depth Health and Safety policy. Our leadership team is committed to preventing the loss of any of its resources. In fulfilling this commitment to protect both people and property we provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with industry standards, and in compliance with legislative and client requirements.
Our internal land software, engagement software and GIS program provide real time accurate information to inform project decisions. Our project management software handles the full cycle of a client account and project from the beginning of the relationship through to project execution and billing. These automated cloud-based platforms ensure our team is effective whether working from the field or office, and the transmission of information is seamless.
The Results:
Our successful work in NE BC as a strategic service partner to Ovintiv. We identify costly stumbling blocks; the risks that lie beyond visible requirements, the abstract, the human factors. Once stumbling blocks are identified, we double click on the 4 core elements and apply strategic and unique solutions to build out a plan. This has given our client a tremendous advantage for success and solidified BRITT RADIUS’ reputation as a leading service provider in NE BC.
“We have worked with BRITT for over 7 years having them complete land acquisition, consultation, stakeholder engagement and represent OVV in NE BC. BRITT’s industry knowledge, strong stakeholder relations and their dedication to making is happen on every project have delivered impressive results and continued service excellence”. Jason Blanch, BC Surface Land Manager, Ovintiv
Want to experience working with our genius team?
To book a insight call with us, simply fill out our Needs Assessment and it will be our pleasure to connect with you to assess if we are the right fit for your project.